Having recently auditioned a number of SS amps, I cam away with a very favorable impression of Theta's amps. In fact, I bought an Intrepid for multi-channel, and hope to land a pair of Enterprises for the main speakers. While I would not describe them (or any SS amp that I have heard) as tube-like, they did have a nice musical presentation that was slightly warm. The imaging, depth and width of soundstage, and definition of the Enterprises was most impressive. Granted, the day after I decided that the Theta Enterprises were the amp for me, they get reviewed in Stereophile by an apparent tube amp fan (who was not inclined to rush out and buy a pair, but who overall gave them what I would consider a very favorable review), but from what my ears tell me, Theta offers most of what is good about SS amps, and a certain degree of what is good about tube amps.
If you are considering the JC-1's, then I would strongly suggest that you also audition the Enterprise monoblocks.
If you are considering the JC-1's, then I would strongly suggest that you also audition the Enterprise monoblocks.