Speaker Cable Feet: Suggestions?

I heard that elevating speaker cables off the floor improves the sound. Regardless, I like the look of elevated cables, and I don't want my cleaning people to vacuum over them (ugh...). So, does anyone have a recommendation for where to go for speaker cable feet?

Ceramic Insulators for high power power lines work very well. Home Depot sells them .You Just have to losen the bolts that hold them in the metal body. These work very well and are cool looking.
I found an exceedingly cheap and effective way to lift my cables off the floor (carpet). Go to Bed, Bath & Beyond and purchase some white, ceramic creme brulee cups for $1.99 each. Turn them upside down and lay the cable on top of the cup ... for an 8' run of cable, you'll probably need 2 or 3 cups per side. FYI, certain expensive cable elevators that run about $24 a piece are also made of white ceramic. They're much larger, bulkier and more expensive than my solution. Try it.
Buy some doweling. Cut equal pieces about 10 or 12 inches. Bind three pieces together with a HEAVY rubber band about a third down from the top. Spread it out into a tripod. It will equal ceramic or any other material, IMHO! Plus, if you do it neatly, it will about as good as any other solution.
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