Speaker Cable Feet: Suggestions?

I heard that elevating speaker cables off the floor improves the sound. Regardless, I like the look of elevated cables, and I don't want my cleaning people to vacuum over them (ugh...). So, does anyone have a recommendation for where to go for speaker cable feet?

I use cotton ribbon to elevate cables. My setup is a bit unusual, but in normal installations it can be tied to the back of racks, speaker stands, et cetera, or thumb tacked to walls. If some of the ribbon is visible just tie a nice bow and it will look odd but fine (better than having little "tinker toys" all over the floor).
I've seen insulators for electric agricultural fences used for this. Just get a hoop and fill w/ caulk...
I use heavy wrought iron shelf brackets turned upside down, 2 per side, the cable hangs from some of the ornate work, looks pretty cool. It elevates the cable 8 inches off the carpet. I use MIT so the cable is thick, I elevate the network box with a small 6 inch tall pyramid my wife handmade from zebra wood for an art project years ago, the brackets match my black target rack so they almost look "audiophile." The big news is the improvement in sound! I was just shy of shocked.