Burn in power cord by boiling water??

A Hi-Fi dealer the other day told me that in order to burn in and smoothen out a new power cord, I should get my wife to use it on the kettle to boil water (Rather sexist remark, I know). The theory is that kettles draw a lot more current than hi-fi equipment. He further advised not to do it more than 3 times.

Just a bit worried that the wife might not want to return the power cord after she discovers that her coffee tastes a lot better by using it.

Any opinions on this?
I tried it, it works excellent. I hooked the cable up to the gas line that goes to the stove and after putting out the fire, that PC works wonders. After rebuilding the house because of fire, I put in a dedicated 20 amp line in the new listening room. So I'm not so sure if it was the boiling water technique or the fire that really improved things.
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