VPI Scout ...with Shelter 301 or Grado Sonata??

I can get the setups for about the same price....I have a Berning TF-10 tubed pre..but I am not sure which cart would be a more natural match,,,cant find the pre's specs anywhere..
Remember, there is now a 301. It runs about $550, I think. Have not heard any reviews, but I'm sure it's better than the Grado, IMHO.
If you do go Grado, to match the preamp, use one of the lower outputs if you can adjust your gain. The Statement Series is around .4mv and there is a VPI run out there at 1.5mv( I own a VPI Sonata). they are suppose to sound better b/c of the smaller coils(less wire). Haven't heard Shelter so I can't compare. Or you could get a step-up to play those lower ohm MC's.
Just pick either one and be happy. Unless you move to Shelter 501MKII then you will be very very happy!