Kimber or Cardas for Dynaudio 1.3se

I have narrowed my next speaker cable to the Kimber Monocle XL and cardas Golden Cross. I am am currently trying out Monocle X with my system (Blue Circle Audio pre and amp with Dyn 1.3se speakers connected with Cardas Golden Cross and Ref IC) and love the sense of rhythm and pace they have. At the frequence extremes they better my former cables but I feel liek they may be a *bit* thin with a slightly narrower soundstage. Highly musical however lacking in the low end.
The Cardas GC I have not tried out since my dealer only carries Golden Ref. I am looking for some help from audiogoners in improvements, if any, there are if I spend the money for the Golden Cross. I am lookin gfo r afuller bass but retaining the tonality of the Kimber as well as its abilities at frequency extreme. And most importatntly retain the pace and timing of the Kimber. I love my Golden Cross IC as they add a pleasant warmth to my system, I am worried that the GC speaker cables will add TOO much warmth. Any advice n adirection to go either with one of these cables or a different cable all together? Thanks!
Bwhite, that you for that! An heroic effort (small pun intended) to convey what Kimber sounds like in a way I can grasp. NBS is another brand I'm not familiar with, but I do know Cardas. Where would you put Harmonic Tech on the bouncing ball spectrum?

Where do people think the "value" is in the Kimber line, if I wanted to pick up something used to try out?
Marakenetz, I'm not sure I agree with you on the pro wire equalling the kimber. But it does seem appealing to me. Are you talking about speaker wire as used in pro-audio applications? Which brand, if any? What gauge?
Hi Drubin, I've never spent much personal time with Harmonic Technology's analog cables. I did own HT Platinum Digital for a day but, that's it - not enough to make a fair comment.

A local dealer has these and I've NEVER been impressed with anything in that shop - they sell good gear but it never sounds too good. I attribute that to bad rooms mostly but I have often wondered about the cables.