Jena Labs

Does anyone have experienced with these speaker cables, and what should I expect?

*** I did post this last week, didn't get much responce, trying again. Thank you to the few who did reply.

I have SS equipment all Class A Krell, using Transparent Reference speaker cable today, excellent speed / great mid ,and full bass.
((( Lacking Piano / Strings ))))

I'm using Valhalla IC for Jazz and Rock/ Pop and Ridge Street Audio Silver Edition for Orchestra/ Strings

Speaker cables I tried
Siltech G5 Echo Bay (I found them a little thin on bass )
Valhalla ( Did not work at all )
Ensemble Meg good speed but lacking piano and vocals
Supra sword "Best Piano I have ever heard", lacking speed
Ridge Street Audio, Very good,** thin on mid bass/
very ,very close to what I'm looking for.( Love there IC excellent product, awsome prices )

Also anyone with experience with Harmonix HS101-SLC speaker cable ?

I'm looking for speed ,great bass extension as well as good mid bass, Strings - Piano and lush Vocals.


Thank You
I’m always hesitant to recommend products because of considerations we all realize (system synergy, room, likes/dislikes, etc, etc.) But here goes...

I’m just burning in a pair of Harmonix 101 SLC and after only 50+ hours they sound amazing. I believe they need close to 200 hrs for full burn-in. I’m using them with a Wadia 861 (GNS Upgrade), direct to an Accustic Arts Amp II-AC and Silverline La Folias.

My praises of these cables so far are: they make the background much quieter allowing for more music to flow through. They extend the width and depth of the sounstage. They have great frequency extension on both ends and a very life-like midrange. Good luck.
I haven't tried the Jena Labs cables so I can't speak to that part of your question but I do think you should add Stealth Hybrid MLT & UR and Audience Au24 to your audition list. My experience is that good cables (we'll exclude the real junk and cables with a pronounced sonic signature from this conversation) are so system dependent that making wild generalizations about what will work in someone elses system is a waste of everyones' time. I have heard the above cables work well in a number of systems but whether they will do the trick for you only you can answer.
You might want to try the Empirical or TG Audio speaker wire as both have more warmth in the lower mids/upper bass than the Audience.....Audience, TG and Empirical were all reviewed by Bob Neill on Positive Feedback On-Line....Regarding Jena, she builds great stuff, but have never A-B'ed it with my wires....Oh, I am TG Audio BTW....
While TG Audio and Emperical would certainly and no doubt be worth your time and effort, I would also suggest you audition our MSE Gen.II or Poiema speaker cables. Especially in light of your installing the excellent Tom Evans pre-amp into your system. With that addition, you suddenly have a new ball game which I'm guessing you're already aware of. Also, at one point, you were cosidering a different amp. I highly recommend the Berning ZH270. Killer amps! Email me and I can put you in touch with some users if you’re interested.

Kind Regards,
I strongly suggest you try the MIT Oracle V1.1 I know I know believe me i tried everything but MIT at first just because i couldn't get the thought of what was in those darn network boxes out of my head. But I must say after finally auditioning them I quickly purchased them on the spot because 1.)Detail micro and macro incredible 2.)Highs are simply sublime(ultra wide band version by the way) and 3.)The bass is simply the lowest and most well defined i have heard period! at $15.600 cheap they are not but if you have the means who would dare put a price on audio nirvana!!! not me.

I guess the lesson here is don't assume anything about a product or person for that matter strictly based on here say LISTEN FOR YOUR SELF AND FORM YOUR OWN OPINIONS! is
always the best rule of thumb.
