Tuner recommendations

I have not used a tuner in years but recently I sold my pre-amp and the new one had not arrived yet so I borrowed a cheap pre-amp/tuner combo from a friend. I actually got to like having radio available.

I have thought about getting a Magnum Dynalab but I don't really know much about what is available. Anybody got a recommendation for a good tuner? I don't mind spending a few bucks for a good tuner.
Ltkije, What a great site that you posted! It got me fired up about tuners! Too bad that most stations today sound terrible!
I bought an old McIntosh for a song, so to speak, and got new tubes. I added an attic FM antenna, and I play it all day as I work. LPs are for afters. If you are lucky enough to have stations that do not compress the signal, it is a nice addition.