Acoustic Zen Speaker Cables

Once again I call on Audiogoners for advice. Other equipment decisions were easy compared to this one. Been reading for months on speaker cables to determine the best fit for my system. Look to spend about $1,000 new/used. Need about 12'.
System: Merlin VSM-M with McIntosh SS amp & tube preamp. At the top of my current list are Acoustic Zen Satoris or Halogram IIs. Any comments? Not seen many reviews of AZ speaker cables with Merlins. Good match??? Thanks, Jim
I am currently using AZ Hologram Bi-wire with my Merlin VSM. Extremely happy with them. Since the VSM is a 2 way speaker, the Hologram would be a better fit then the Satoris.
The Acoustic Zen Holograms are great speaker cables, I also have a pair of Harmonic Tech. Pro-9's that are good cables for less money that are almost as good. The designer of the Zen's may have also had a hand in the design of the Harmonic Tech's, not sure about that though.

I like the AZ holograms, but preferred the Au24 and Purist Venustas in my system (they cost a bit more, but you may be able to get them used within your budget). Of course, results are system and ear dependent. I used the AZs between a spectron amp and VSA Vr 5 HSE's, listening mostly to rock, jazz and funk. I thought they were airy and had good range but I preferred the others, which, to my ears, seemed to have more clarity.

yes Mr Lee also designed the Harm Tech Pro 9's

i have a shotgunned pair of them

could you describe the differences between the two cables in a little more detail??


Well Tom, I think they are very close. I think my bass is a little more full with the Harmonic Tech's. The mids are more refined with the Zens and a touch more a biamp setup I like the Pro-9's on the bass and the Zen's on the mids. The Zen's are also much easyer to work with in tight space as the Pro-9's are to fat.
