Proper Cable Placement.

Having discovered recently the improvements of moving all powercords away from interconnects , lets move on to proper placement of interconnects . Lets use interconnects going from pre amp to amp as an example. Is it best to keep the left and right interconnect as far away from each other as possible? Is it the reverse , should they be gently twisted around each other? What are your thoughts on this and general interconnect placement to ensure minimal interference and maximum performance? Appreciate your thoughts........
What about power cords, should they be elevated off the floor/carpet as well or doesn't matter?
Keeping power cords (and power filters) free from any kind of vibration, as may be induced by the floor, will make a huge difference. Try it out.
I bought some of the wire clamps from Pure Note to keep my cables apart. They sell 5/16" and 3/8" diameters. See their speaker cables to get an idea what they look like:
Eric what was your perception of cable performance using the Pure Note wire clamps. ?
I don't think I've ever heard the interconnects affecting each other.

Two things I do hear a difference, first of which, is when separating the red and black sections of speaker cables and separating digital and analog cables. To separate the red and black sections of the speaker cable, you just have to use separate runs of cables. If you are bi-wiring, use a single stereo channel for both the hot and another set of cable for the neutral. This greatly adds more coherency and smoothness in my system. I don't have this set up now since my new speakers have a twisted pair of CAT5 both internally and externally. I might upgrade to separate runs of OTA cables. The other thing I can hear a difference in is separate all cables that are analog and digital related meaning the powercables and interconnects. This is not as perceivable and might just be my brain doing tricks on me.