the ps audio mark 4 preamp mm/mc phono section is great. pre also has active/passive, external power supply with other bells and whistles for an older unit. used 100.-150
Elevick makes a very good point, particularly in light of the many fine low output cartridges around these days. I owned a Marantz 3650 once that had a pretty damn good phono section and allowed for MM and MC. Might be worth nosing around for one if you want to go that route.
Hello I would look for a Tandberg 3012 intergrated or any of the Tandberg 3002, 3008, or the flagship 3016. They have both MC and MM stages and were renouned for there analog sound.
Cheers, Francesco.
PS- I run a Tandberg 3008A with a Rega P25 and a Micro Benz Ace. Sounds beautiful
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