MIT Love 'em or Hate 'em

Has anyone else noticed that audio stores that carry MIT think there is no better cable type and stores that don't carry MIT all think they are terrible. Is this sour grapes or is something else going on here?
Clueless, right, but half truths as gospel and then again and again and not really picking up threads offered to start a conversation. Come now, you and I, at least I think so, state clearly when we feel a tad ..clueless. So lets not be trite and bullshit were it belongs, here...please (-:
And Pops yes, so true, its completely irrational, but then perhaps Krusty did have a point after all: It somehow does not seem right that 15k plus cables, which at that price point should supposedly just pass signal, without adding or subtracting, have arcane boxes, which, the legend goes, must necessarily colour the signal, twist it, "filter it". That these boxes possibly help to make the cable just what it should, pass the signal and as little else as possible, seems to cross nobody's mind. Besides MIT is closely linked with Spectral and you will get exactly the same heated reaction about that brand. It has to do with their marketing, I think. They have a very snobbish-nose turned up attitude, don't particularly spoil dealers and snub most of that crowd. It is understandable that they try to hit back and that gets desiminated all over the place. I've listened to people bashing Spectral and MIT, who never even heard them and I suppose that was basically part of my irritation about our good Uncle above, who was beating a dead horse ad nauseam as far as I was concerend...and that dear Clueless is no longer BS, that is simply a pain in the...neck.
Yes ASA, again an analysis which everyone should read, it it is so to the point, I think. I'm so used to reactions like that of our dear uncle, that it did not particularly bother me. But then his reasoning within his system was already flawed and if he ever did percieve a small voice of doubt, it was -as usual in these cases - overridden by his gall, vented at those that contradicted him. I am for freedom of speach, but I get irritated when I smell fanaticism. I'd rather do without it, thankyou.
I think something WAS proven here. Anger and a thinly disguised patronising, professoral, attitude is not conducive to communication.
Asa, I think that krusty's annoyance came from his disbelief that any "ignoramus" posting would dare question his erudition and experience -- erudition purportedly evidenced by scientific argumentation at that. He was incredulous that people persisted in questioning...

As you note, his argumentation is inconsistent -- I'd say it's emotional outburst(s) rather than a rational discussion. You took the "rational" view that krusty put forth.

I join Detlof in finding little constructive info -- what there is, is lost to this incredulity and expressed superiority. More's the pity.
Asa, time for me to come clean. You appear to really know your business. There is, however, a possibility that the reason Uncle K did not answer your question is because he did not understand it. What I am trying to say is that I work with mathmaticians, writers, sales people, investment gurus, etc. in a larger company. In general, I don't have a hard time understanding the written word since like many my existance kinda depends on it.

I get glimpses of what you are trying to say, but between the beginning of your longer essays and the end I often fail to get your message and there are times I would like to.
Thanks Greg, If I read you right, we feel the same about the whole matter. Pity Krusty did not really want to talk.