Starting a new system...

I just found a great deal on some items, and I plan to build a new system around them. What I've got so far are two 1 meter pairs of single-ended Siltech Compass Lake interconnects, a 2 meter pair of Nordost Valhalla speaker cables with spades at both ends and three 2 meter Electraglde Fatboy power cords. Any recommendations on what source components, amplification components, power conditioning equipment and speakers would go well with what I already have? Thanks alot everyone:)
Cables are a silly place to start. I'd build a system based on a Radio Shack SPL meter.
Now that I've though about it some more, maybe I should pick out some nice tweaks before buying any components.
I always go to my phyciatrist and get the $200 cryogenic treatment before begining a new system building process, helps the thought process and can save you a LOT of money over the long haul.
Wow, I'm glad I'm not the only one to have had my head cryo'ed. It really helps me think more rationally, and it also improves inner ear function dramatically!
There ya go! See what happens when you think outside the " nine dots"!

,sdrageR dnik