High End Fuses?

We spend all that money on dedicated AC lines, power conditioners, megabuck power cords, and then what do we do?
We run all that expensive "juice" thru a fifty cent fuse.
Are there any high end fuses on the market, and does it matter anyway?
I look forward to reading your post regarding ceramic fuses sound better.
There have been discussions about this here before. FWIW, I've replaced the glass fuses in both my integrated amp and my line conditioners with ceramic fuses and there was a subtle but audible improvement in sound quality in terms of smoothness. Notice I said subtle, not "jaw dropping" or incredible. But the cost to do this is very low and I feel it to be a worthwhile tweak. If you have fuses as opposed to breakers, a ceramic fuse is supposed to be better than glass, but I have had no luck in finding them for my fusebox. Plastic based fuses, though, do sound better than their glass counterparts in my experience, and once again, this is a tweak you can do for a few dollars or less.