Grado Statement Series

I have recently purchased a Statement Sonata here on the 'Gon. I currently have Rega pre with only 36.5 dbs. of gain. My question: Can I use a step-up transformer to make up the differnce in gain? Or is new(used) pre-amp in my future? My knowledge is lacking and I have searched the archives to no avail.
Grado's phono pre has a choice of either 40 or 56 db of gain. I use a reference series master w/ this pre, they are a good match.
You can use a 20db phono step-up transformer, if you want to. You just have to make sure that you have the load set for the MM-type load that the Grado wants(47k).
Twl, I find it interesting that you would recommend a step up. I have always found step ups' to be somewhat problematic. It seems that any "transformer type" step up would introduce hum problems (to varying degrees), and offered little or no adjustability or versatility.

I am aware of the "transformerless" designs, but we are now beginning to approach the costs of good quality phono preamps with significantly more versatility. I think that if we were to evaluate step ups' in terms of cost/adjustability/effectiveness, would we not find them somewhat lacking?

Also, another topic that neither of us has mentioned is interconnection. We are introducing another set of cables. What's happening to our loading factors? Once again, it very much surprises and confuses me, the choice used by Rega in terms of gain factors. Unless there are varying gain settings available in their individual phono cards, you are restricted to a high output cartridge (required approx.5.0mv) w/36.5db of gain being provided). But, that has always been an issue with me, as I really don't know how some of these designers arrive at their provided gain factors.

Of course, we could also not put the cart before the horse, invert the equation, and initially purchase a cartridge that works well with the provided preamp sensitivity/gain settings such as I did with my YBA Passion/phono. But that's another thread. I have always put a lot of value in that approach. One less box, one less interconnect, one less power supply (ac or dc), one less power cord, one less "link" in a chain. But, less diversity in cartridge choices.

Oh well, life is filled with compromises.

Just my opinion, for what it's worth. Ed.
Ed, you wrote:

"It seems that any "transformer type" step up would introduce hum problems (to varying degrees), and offered little or no adjustability or versatility."

My BentAudio Mu's have no hum problems that I can detect. (If you meant a tranny might induce hum in the Grado, I can't speak to that possibility except to repeat what we all know about Grado's susceptibility to stray EM fields, and to mention that the Mu's are pretty heavily shielded.)

The Mu's offer infinite adjustability of cartridge loading by means of externally mounted resistor terminals. I can swap in any value resistor I want in about 3 seconds. (I'll admit they offer no gain adjustability without major surgery, so if that's what you meant I agree. OTOH with Colitas' existing phono stage a 20db stepup would let him use any cartridge with .5mv output, which is a lot of cartridge choices.)

The "adding another component and cable" argument is only partly valid. If you need additional gain you're going to have to add *some* additional componentry and wire. Whether those components and wires are internal or external to the phono stage chassis is not hugely relevant (IMO of course).

What is relevant is what kind of additional component you use to achieve the additional gain. IMO, a tranny can be the ideal solution, because it can actually help a cartridge work better. A phono stage is a voltage driven device. Unfortunately, a cartridge is not particularly good at providing voltage, as we all know. It can however, provide a respectable amount of current. Why not insert a device that transforms this readily available current, which a gain stage cannot use, into the higher voltage that it CAN use? With readily available load adjustment, the cartridge can be optimized to run at its precise sweet spot.

I quite agree about the cart and horse thing. Don't buy a component until you're prepared to provide whatever it needs to integrate into your system. It appears Colitas is ready to do that, and in his case I think a 20db stepup could be a viable solution.
Doug, you and I are in 90% agreement. And before we discuss the fine points any further, I would like to ask one question. Which, based on my previous response to this thread, I consider highly relevant.

With all do respect, How much do those beautiful Mu's sell for in non-kit form?