Bob Bundus was wrong.

He said the Wattgate recepticle was like a "$10,000.00 upgrade. Its more like a $5,000.00 - $7,000.00 upgrade.
Hi Bob.
Ahhhhhhhhh "receptacle" . Of course after last nights wine from Argentina {13.5%} alcohol.......and a doobie, I had trouble spelling my own name. Bobby B, where are you !!
Review DVD Audio , Wattgate digital connection , VD Nite front END, Wattgate Classe Connection Nite VD, Wattgate {2}, 3 VD Nite's for 3 discrete dedicated line playback.

The Band was in my house. Richie Blackmore says hello.

Have to give a serious thumbs up to the Wattgate's.

Hi Mike !