Virtual Dynamics Power Three?

Need three power cables: CDP, preamp and power amp. Would like them to be all from the same brand.

My system:

Meridian 508.24
Supratek Chardonnay (near future)
Plinius SA-102
Sonus Faber Cremona
Bogdan cables (near future).

It is not a cheap system but, and the same goes for ICs and speaker cables (both Bogdan), I not planning to spend a lot with power cables.

Question: is there anything better than the Virtual Dynamics Power Three for less than US$100 a piece? Are these really good?

I agree with the two posts above, however I would like to add that the cryo'd cables from the following website: might cost a little more, maybe not, (unless you DIY) but are easy to use and sound better on my tube and SS systems.
The Virtual Dynamics Power 3s are excellent for the price. I replaced Absolute Power Cords with them and noticed a huge improvement in soundstaging, and perceived volume. Everything just seemed to open up.
Yup, like others said, the VDP3 is a big step up from stock and other aftermarket cords under $100. I used it for about a year, however, I wouldn't use it again because of how stiff it is. These things practically lift my components off its shelf.

Do let it burn in for a week.
Excellent PC's. I upgraded to the complete Audition cable package and have absolutely no regrets. Money well spent. Good folks to deal with.