Starting Out in PC Audio

Sorry for the basic questions: I'm an old time two channel rig guy, tubes, the works. This PC stuff is a bit confusing
so. Here is my idea, I thank you in advance for advice.

Budget of $1000.

PC will be Win 7
Files are all in FLAC

My thought is buy audioengine 5 speakers
hook them to pc with good rca's (anti-cable?)
use a usb D/A the HRT-2?
Foobar for player

Would this work and sound decent?

Any thoughts very appreciated, would like to keep it at about 1000.

mlapenta is a great resource.

I think they recommend J River as the best Windows player right now.
I think the typical set up is usb out to dac, rca from dac to amp. Not sure what you had in mind - where is the pre-amp in your plan.? I assume the audioengine speakers are powered so they have the power amp part. The computer sound card as a pre-amp is not a great idea.

I'm a mac guy so I don't know about software, but the moon 100d dac is nice (I have one), also PS audio makes a good one for about $800.