long i/c run...looking for high end cable

I have a 40ft i/c run from my h/t processor to my monoblocks which are in the front of the room. I've heard that Synergistic Research is one of the best high end i/c for very long runs? Any thoughts or other suggestions? I will be auditioning a pair next week as well as a pair of Vahallas.


please Mr. jcbtubes, would you be so kind and answer Tbgs Question. What influenced you to buy these amps? Did some kind sole tell you how wonderful these amps are? Did someone tell you the extraodinary sound that these amps offered? What a great friend you must have that brought these amps to your attention. I am sure you are very greatful. Please, if it is no bother, would you please inform Tbg your impression of these amps. And could you please tell us what finally made you purchase these incredible amps. You must have a friend that you feel you owe more than you could ever imagine. You are such a lucky man. Wish I had a friend like yours.

Now answer Tbg. Do you feel you can handle this?
One more Question Mr. Jcbtubes. Though I bow to your superior knowledge, what ever made you decide on the Sonoran IC? I would very much like to know where this incredible knowledge you have been blessed with comes from.
Don't forget to answer Tbg's Question. I am sure many of us would love to hear your opinions of the Wavac 8 Something, something. Looking very much forward to your views.
Thank you so much.
Tbg- I used to have a very good friend (who would never stoop so low as to attempt to generate accolades from self-serving questions) that was kind enough to offer his insight on both of the items in question. Having trusted his advice previously concerning a particular turntable, I nevertheless listened to him concerning the WAVAC 833 sonic capabilities (and of course, the pictures and kind words in print didn't hurt either)! The same is true of the Sistrum and Sonoran products, though much credit must go to the time and generousity of Robert at Audiopoints.com. So, to my humble friend, I say "thank you." To Mr. Brulee I ask, "have we met before?";-)
Jcbtubes, are you talking to me? You talking to me! You would know without a doubt if we have met before. For you would never needed to have asked that question. How about answering those questions you so cleverly avoided.

Jcbtubes, for those who don't know what these letters mean, please let me inform you. J-Just C-credible B-best friend a person could have. T-trustworthy. U- understanding even when He has no reason to be. B- Being there when no one else is. E- Enormous heart. S- Sincere to the end.
Thanks Jcbtubes.
I don't know if you have already settled this issue but I asked a similar question a few months ago. You can check my threads if you want to read up on all of it, but I found the Purist ICs to be fantastic for long runs without significant signal loss. Other ICs tend to suffer from longer runs where the Purist excells in these applications. The best cables I auditioned or bought were the Proteus and the Dominus. The Dominus were so good superlatives fail me, but alas were beyond my means to purchase. If you have the chance read the reviews and audition their cables!