"DAC DUMB" needs info.

I have a friend with a Adcom GCD-700. He has been running it with the variable out so he can use the CDP remote volume.He also likes the sound the best this way and runs it through the preamp.His preamp has no remote, and he now can't live without a remote volume control.The problem is, the variable out now is shorting out and he often looses volume in one channel.We have taken it apart but there's too much in there to get to the problem area short of removing the carousel.(5 disc)The question is: is there a DAC avaliable with remote volume control? I am pushing him to keep the Adcom as he will only go with a 5 disc.The Adcom is a pretty good 5 disc transport. Im a analog man and Im clueless about DACS......thanks!!!
Jvr-Your comment is not helpful at all.
Please read the question about DACS... I need to learn about DACS!!
d99: what's the budget? if it's in the $15K or more range, he'll find nothing better than the boulder 1012, unless he's willing to go to, say, $36k. plus, with the boulder rig, he can dump his unidentified pre. (BTW, the 1012 has an absolute KILLER phono stage as "standard equipment"; maybe you can talk your buddy into the glories of vinyl, too.) 'course he ought'a dump his carousel, as well. unless he wants to add a few horses that go up-n-down. -kelly
Kelly- I doubt he will want to spend 15-36 K for a DAC for a $700 CDP....some of us dont have that kind of money anyway.
Anyway,do some DACS come with a remote volume??
Lets say.. used for < $1000
The Audio Alchemy v3.0 is remote controllable. No longer in
business but you should be able to find used for around $300. A very good 20-bit DAC.

Good luck,

THANK YOU WENDELL!!!! Any other DACS with a remote volume worth considering in the used <$!000 range?Thanks again wendall and please post in WHO R U ? and tell us about yourself.