Power Cord for Odyssey Stratos

I've been debating on which pc for my Stratos amp the VooDoo Silver Dragon or the VH Audio Flavor 4 which I'm audtioning right now. Has anyone out there tried these power cords?
I have the extreme mono stratos, i use the costum
power cord model 11, they pair very well.
Don't know your electronics, but in my opinion, the best PC on the market is the Virtual Dynamic Nite PC. I auditioned one and bought it! These are on Audiogon classifieds all the time at great prices. You can buy direct form VD also and they discount. I have had Shunyata, Custom, and many others in my system and nothing sounded as good after break-in time against the VD's right out of the box. Extraodinary product.
The rest of my system:
ASL AQ 2004 pre W/ Signal Cable Magic PC

Cambridge 500 SE cd player w/Ven Haus Flavor 2 PC

Monitor Audio Silver 5i

Budget is between $200-$300
Hey Trip. How's the power cord evaluation going for your Stratos amp? Have you made a decision yet on which PC sounds the best?