Are music servers the future?

I am now listening to a pro-dac that plays JRiver MC 19 on a Mac Mini 2013 in double DSD. It upsamples everything except presently double DSD moving the filters well beyond anything we can hear or sense. Unfortunately, double DSD downloads are not readily available. It is wondrous to be away from PCM.

Does anyone know of outlets for double DSD recordings?
It's simply a matter of how much data can be streamed how quickly - a matter of bandwidth. Netflix is already working on streaming 4K video so trust me, DSD files from a bandwidth point of view is no sweat.

Also consider that uncompressed blu ray DTS is high resolution audio that's already being streamed along with much more bandwidth intensive 1080P video.

The technology's here and then some - it's the economic model that's missing. And that's as always to do with intellectual property and licensing issues.

Once the labels realize the market for $8 per song hi Rez files will never match their overwrought 5 year projections, the streaming model will be next.
Mapman, simple this is all untrue. Soon mastertapes will all be quad DSD. As to the hardware causing the impossibility of comparing PCM v. DSD, we will see. The Sabre chip actually has two dacs, one for PCM and one for DSD.

But sound is the only truth.
"But sound is the only truth."

I'll buy that. Or better yet, what we hear is the only real truth with this stuff. Unfortunately, nobody else can hear what each of us hears. So there you go......
Mapman, true but some do hear the same. Basically, I go to shows with at least two who do.
Well spoken Tbg! Besides, Empirical Audio, MSB and Request Audio, just to mention those who I have heard extensively, can most certainly show up sonic differences between the older and newer formats if your system is sufficiently up to it. Some of it comes stunningly close to the real thing, that is live music in real space. I could not care a damn, which format does what. All I want is for my sound to come as close as possible to what subjectively for my ears and my ears only comes as close as possible to the "absolute sound" of real live music.