Looking for a Shotgun...

Hey folks - looking to upgrade my biwired Nordost Red Dawn Rev1 with a pair of true shotgun cables (I have a multichannel EAD PowerMaster 2000). I know about the ZuWax and the Acoustic Zen Satori, but what other cables are available in a true shotgun configuration (essentially double wires). I'm looking for something on the neutral side.

System: EAD PowerMaster 2000, Revel Studios. Budget: Used for under $1000.

Try the Virtual Dynamics Signatures Series cables. Very detailed, dynamic and awesome bass.
I demo'ed the AZ Shotguns and I have to say that they were excellent in my system. I'd highly recommend them.
>> " Looking-for-a-shotgun"<< Sorry,I thought someone's daughter was in a family way. Woops,wrong thread.
Leftistelf, I'm extremely impressed with the Silverline speaker cable. With my setup it provides a very detailed, open sound but but much greater bass extension, as well.

The only direct comparison I have is with the single-wire DH Labs T-14 in a much longer run that it replaced and I'm assuming that part of the difference is in the bi-wire configuration and shorter length. The DH Labs cable is excellent stuff but I do find the Silverline to be sweeter and deeper. Of course, it's about four times the price and it ought to be dramatically better.

I'd bought a subwoofer at the same time as the Silverline cable but the improvement in the bass just from the Silverlines made me hesitate about even dealing with trying to configure the sub. I did eventually add the sub, though, and that has worked out well.