Viagra for Your Ears?

Well, the big pharmaceutical company that brought you Viagra has a drug in clinical trials that will 'enhance' the hair nerves in your ears to straighten your ability to hear. I kid you not. While the new drug cannot being to life the dead hairs, it will enhance what is remaining and alive. Better listening through chemistry. You old folks now have hope for an extended 'audio' life. Who knew.
I hope it doesn't cause more hair growth in my ear canals. I have too much there already!
I did actually read a bit about that, although I did not know that it specifically treated the hair nerves. One look at our President and I was convinced that he was a user.
Never tried any of this stuff but gotta wonder if Viagra alone might be not be good for your hearing, you know with increased blood flow and all?

Just wondering. WHen the time comes I have to rely on prescription drugs in order to just enjoy my music, maybe just shoot me.