Allaerts MC2 Finish

Has anyone heard this mystical gem?

If you have witnessed a rare appearance of this beauty, pls kindly describe your experience with it. Also if you know what phono stage it was riding on, let me know.

Dear Cmk: These two cartridges are a little diferent: the XV 1 has a more up front presentation and the MC 2 has a more ressesed one. I can say that the XV 1 is a little more " alive ". Both are top performers in some recordings I prefer the MC 2 and in others the XV 1. If I have to choose: I buy both.
BTW, I do a mistake with the point and cero about the RIAA deviation it has to read like this: 20hz to 20khz +,- 0.05 db to 0.1 db. Yours it's ok, it's really fine. There are not many phono stages that can have this RIAA deviation. I hope that your phono stage works with out ( internal or external ) stepup transformers.
Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Raul
Thanks, I think I know what you mean about the MC2 and XV1.

To complicate matters a little more, there's also the Koetsu RS Plat in the same price range. I've heard the Urushi and liked the sound, but not the RSP. How does the Koetsu RSP compare with these other carts?

Thanks again for the quick replies.
Dear Cmk: I own, too, the RSP. This cartridge is a big improvement to the traditional " Koetsu Sound ". Now we have and extended, clear an open sound on the treble and the bass is tighter, better pitch and more detailed. It is a good performer, and better than the Urushi ( the RSP it is in another league when you are comparing to the Urushi ). If you like the Urushi sound, then your best choice will be the RSP. Buy it! .You will love it.
Regards and enjoy the music.