Stylus Cleaning Schedule?

Ok, I have read in Robert Harley's "The Complete Guide to High End Audio", that you should clean your stylus every album side.

How many of you actually do that?

I like my albums and think I take care of them pretty well. I use a RCM to clean them. But I honestly don't clean my stylus that often. I pretty religiously clean my stylus before every listening session. Most sessions consist of listening to 2 to 6 album sides, usually on the lesser end of the scale unfortunately. (I use the Last stylus cleaning fluid. I put it onto the stylus cleaning brush and then clean the stylus to avoid getting too much cleaning fluid on the cantilever. Sound about right?)

(By the way, I like Harley's book and have gotten a fair amount of knowledge out of it, although I may not actually agree with absolutely everything in it. I recommend it to anyone interested in this hobby.)
I've settled into the pattern of cleaning my stylus (also using the Last brush & cleaner) before each session and dry brushing after each side.

This is the result of a couple of things: I recently got a magnifying glass and was alarmed at the amount of stylus gunk it revealed. I also recently started using the Disc Doctor fluid and brushes, and the stylus is dredging up a *lot* of debris on some of my used records. I really don't like the idea of that stuff being dragged through the grooves, so I have been pretty diligent lately about keeping the stylus clear.

I also have and like the Harley book. It's a useful reference and a good intro to the hi-fi hobby. A lot of the info can be got from magazines, websites, forums, etc., but it's nice to have it all in one place in a format that you can take out on the deck or to other preferred reading spots.

You really should clean or dry brush the stylus before every side. Both the stylus and your records will last much longer. Playing a dirty stylus is like dragging sand paper inside the grooves.
Unless you are competely rinsing off the DD fluid (which I am not sure is possible), you can expect to dredge up residue.

I clean my stylus with LP9 every album, but not every side. I also use a RCM.

Happy listening,
