DACs with volume controls

Okay, I love all this audiophile stuff, but I'm a private school teacher (little money). So are there any decent used or new DACs that I can purchase with a volume control and hence skip the need for the preamp? I'm thinking I can go 1.5 grand, maybe 2 if I wait till summer. Anyone out there use this stuff or heard it? I'm new to this sonic world and have only read about the Wavelength DAC, don't know any others.
In addition to the Wavelength, take a look at the Camelot Uther which has remote control, multiple inputs and an all-analog volume control. Used may be in your $ range.
If you get a DAC with a volume control make sure you understand if it is a digital or analog control. Digital volume controls may tend to sound compressed at lower than maximum output because they are simply scaling down the numbers. I use my DAC's digital output set at max and prefer to control the volume with a preamp. I have not tried the direct route you describe because I have other audio sources which the preamp must control.
Check out Monarchy Audio. They have several models with volume controls. I'm not sure if the volume control is analog or digital though. New or used, they are in your price range.
How about going for a whole CD player? I heard a Resolution Audio CD-50 in a system recently when I went to pick up a pair of interconnects I purchased from a local audiophile, and I was absolutely blown away. He had it with a pair of Meadowlark Heron i's and the new Jeff Rowland 150 wpc integrated. My system isn't quite as expensive as his, but it's in the same neighborhood. I would, however, swap mine for his in a minute. It's the first time I've ever been asked by an audiophile "What do you think I could do to improve my system" and the only upgrade I could think of was "hire the New York Philharmonic". The volume control (analog) on the Resolution Audio was superfluous for him, but it would be great for you. I just checked and there's one on Audiogon right now for $1750. I'm not sure if its replacement, the CD-55 has a volume control, but I'm sure the folks at Resolution would be very happy to help you. If you're determined to get just a DAC, a not-terribly-cost-effective but viable option might be to get a Meridian 518 digital controller. It goes between your transport and dac, and has a digital volume control. I happen to have one, and it's great. It's also a jitter-reduction device and allows you to select from 5 noise-shaping algorithms (but the effects of these are very subtle). Steve