Turntable or go into SACD, Simon Yorke vs EMM Lab

I need some help here with a decision. I am deciding with futher upgrading my turntable or waiting longer & getting a SACD player (probably EMM unless anyone heard something better or close).
I currently have a Nottingham Hyperspace, wave mechanic,, and a SME V w. Koetsu Urushi. My other front end is the Audio Aero Cap. II. I am able to get a great deal on a Simon Yorke with all the extras. I can't figure out if I should upgrade or wait & eventually go SACD. I currently own only about 200 great records and about 800 OK ones. So whatever I buy will probably be available in one format or the other since I find CD OK but not great. Anythought or opinions is appreciated.
Dear friend: I think that before you buy the Simon Yorke you have to compare in your audio system against your Nottingham and then you can choose: to buy the SY or to buy records. The SACD is not a good option, for the next few years the digital king it will be the CD.
Regards and enjoy the music.
Your setup is pretty good at the moment. You might want to upgrade other bits eg phono stage or arm to Schroeder Reference (much better than SME V). However, a SY is going to set you back at least 4k GBP. That buys you 200 new audiophile records or even more second hand.
I have a Platine Verdier, Schroeder Model 2 and Allaerts MC1B. Ok I could improve things eg battery PSU, better Allaerts cart etc. But at then end of the day, I listen to the music with a bottle of wine - so I just buy more LPs (or even some wine - how about 10 cases of 2003 Chateau Leoville Barton en primeur!).
A Simon Yorke or other high end analog setup would be a wiser purchase. Digital continues to evolve. SACD is good but isn't the end of the road, no matter what you read. We will continue to see good redbook-only playback equipment that, at least to some ears, outperforms SACD.

Dear Dgad, This is just my take on your question and maybe I am wrong but here goes; I would buy a great SACD player that can double as a top notch CD player. If the SACD format takes a dump AKA Sony Beta , you still have a great CD player that plays SACD. My guess is that your curiosity with SACD will not be satisfied until you do it. I know because I just went through the same thing and ended up buying a Marantz SA-1 here . I would love to give you my take on SACD but I have only been able to hear it with headphones and using my home theater speakers. It will be weeks before I can tell you how good it is in my reference setup. Do not sweat this decision too much. Your stuff is at the top of the heap and I see the analog upgrade as just a lateral move that will not answer the question you really have; Is SACD worth the cost of admission. So far in my setup the answer is ...... I hope this helped
Thanks to everyone for the input. I am still kind of lost. I heard the EMM Labs and was amazed at the sound. Tremendous detail & resolution. I also think the Simon Yorke can offer the same. I find a lot of records I am looking for & I find a lot of SACDs I am looking for. Personally, SACD is easier to find new, while records tend to be more difficult. There is something romantic to records. Just to give you all the remainder of my system. I am posting it shortly.