Help i'm lost... what cd player to buy ??

ok here is the system i will get ( only have om-10 for now )

Classe CAV-75 or bryston sb4 *2 ..
Mirage OM-9 to replace om-10 in front and put the OM-10 in the back ..

i plan to get a bryston Sp1 pre/proc if money is there later on and i can get a good deal ..or maybe even classe SP30

this system will mainly be used for stereo CD musci at ~90% of time..and the rest for DTS- DVD and games ..

SO i need to get a good cd player to use with my current WOW AKAI 1970 receiver :p hehe and my OM-10
i do not wish to spend 1000$USD on a cd player, so i'm really ocnsidering to get a used player..
but i want it to be a good player as it will be part of my system later on :) ..

i was considering a nakamichi MB-10 or MB-8 ..cause it's pretty cheap..and almost everybody told me that the sound is great..

but i do not think it seriously would be up to the point that it could be used with the kinda PRE and AMPS i am planning to get ..
mmy listening room now is quite small..but i wanna keep this equipment for later on when i'll buy my condo and have a larger living room to listen to music ..

what would be a good CD player investment ??
and how much should i be paying for it!

thank you!!!

JIN :)
Jinn, stay away from the SACD route. Unless you spend megabucks, and are willing to listen to the same 10 or 15 discs all the time, it is not worth it. Get as good a CD player as you can afford, if you're looking for new then I second the Cambridge Audio D500SE or the Musical Fidelity, or consider the Ah New Tjoeb! CD player from Upscale Audio for $479 (Upscale Audio also sells Musical Fidelity now, so you can ask them some questions about the two players; If you're looking for used at around $500, consider the CAL Icon Mk III or the Rotel 971 or 981 (can't remember which is the current model) or some of the NAD models. I think you can even find NAD new for $500. Then buy yourself a separate DVD player and a rack big enough to hold both. That way you will get the best sound for playing CDs for the least money, at least in my opinion. Don't get a Nakamichi CD player.
Hmm, used for $500. Not much. For Cambridge used do not overlook the CD6 which was $650 new. Still a great player used for around $300 to $350. (Spearitsound has one). There is also the Rotel RCD971 probably $400 used; and the Rega Planet.
I agree get the sony dvp9000es. You get SACD, CD and DVD.

Pretty cool all arround player.
The Musical Fidelity A3 cd that Argent mentioned is really nice. You might find it used for around $750 (its $995 new), but they very few are resold. Upscale audio is selling all the MF gear these days.
Listen to anything and everything. Then buy the one that sounds best to your ears and your ears alone.