Dynavector Cartridge Load 100ohms or 47k ohms?

I have a Rogue audio Stealth phono preamp and a Dynavector 17d2 cart. The recommended load on the cartridge is >100ohms. My dealer said in he likes the 47k ohms setting better than 100. It does have a greater sign on the recommended (>100 ohms, not = 100 ohms) -- any experience with this.

Ultimately I'll try them all out but wanted ideas.

Also is tweaking with the gain usefull or should I just go by Rogue audios recommendations

Hi Doug: The best in this cases is to ask to the cartridge manufacturer.
Regards and always enjoy the music.
Yes. That was the original problem for me was that I tried 47ohms because of the openess and then realized my bass was gone and it was topend loaded, "bright" - so I figured I'd go by the manufacturer's suggestion... Well they really don't suggest. ">100 ohms" sounds to me like 100 ohms is NOT suggested and anything above that - from 101 to 47kohms is recommended. Sounds like you are on your own to decide. I think I'll try 300 which is the next step up. It seemed very smooth last time I tried it.
I think there are 2 different kind of load for mc step up.
manufacture usually suggest for active 1:5-20
trans 1:1
But Saddly.You still need to try...........

I use a jason mc trans set on 40 ohm step up into a 47k load phono amp.
Well, since you brought my thread back to life, I wanted to post what I have settled on. As usual, my dealer was right. I ended up on 47k ohms. It has the most open sound. And the problem I was having before was that my system was bright due to my room. That's why the 47k ohms sounded top end loaded.

I also called Dynavector US representative and he said that the reason they put > 100 ohms as recommended is that you should at least have 100 ohm load and experiment above that. Unfortunatelly the confusion was due to the fact that several vendors and reviewers of the Karat cart. put the specs as = 100 ohms. Shame on them. just kidding.
