Is there such a thing as a high end audiophile ..?

Is there such a thing as a high end audiophile outlet adapter? An adpater that plugs into the outlet and then outputs three more outlets. I need more outlets from my line conditioner but i dont feel like buying another one or buying a ps audio juice bar etc... I would think that an outlet "expander" would be the least deteriorative way to expand outlets cheaply... I thought i saw a cryo treated one somewhere on this site but i might be mistaken because i cant seem to find it again. Anybody have any suggestion? This could save me a lot of money! Thanks a lot - lordgorian
I was going to say the Juice Bar, but you've already rejected it. Wireworld makes a similar product that sells for $39 at AudioAdvisor. It is called the "Electrifier". I have no experience with it.

If adding another circuit is too much trouble, you can always just add another wall outlet on the same circuit.

There is also the "PAC-IDOS" power strip. It is not a conditioner or surge protector, so it should not do anything negative adding it to your setup. It is basically a digital issolation strip.
JPS Labs makes a power center at three levels the highest is a Kaptovator outlet center which is very pricey, the middle is a power center (I think) and the lowest is a GPA power center. They are essentially high quality outlet strips with an integrated high end power cord. check them out at
Check They have a power strip that might suit you, but as for an "audiophile" quality, I don't think it counts. PS Audio's Juice Bar would be the only one I know of that's "audiophile" quality.
Thanks for all the great suggestions so far. I wasnt aware of any of these. I'm to check them out now. Thanks!