Home brew cleaning solution

Does anyone have a secret recipe for a safe solution ?
$30 + seems just a little steep for 99% distilled water.
I'm with Photon46.If I could make stuff that makes vinyl as quiet as RRL fluids for a fraction of the price, I would. I tried some DIY and tried some of the various commercial fluids, and none of them gave me vinyl as quiet as RRLs. My $0.02. It's expensive, but for many, even with modest systems and my $300 table it was worth it.
Like Photo46 and Aroc said, and if you want to save $10 Galen Carol sells RRL for $20/bottle.

When you've found a DIY secret recipe you like let me know. I'll be glad to ship you a small sample each of RRL Deep Cleaner and Vinyl Wash, no charge, so you can compare. Unless you're a better chemist than Brian Weitzel, I'll wager you'll end up preferring RRL like virtually everyone else here or on VA who's tried it.
I must say that although I was sceptical at first, I most certainly agree-- RRL products are by far the best I have tried.

There is a significant difference! I absolutely notice a much lower noise floor and blacker background. (I also use DD brushes and a VPI RCM with my RRL products.)

Galen Carol is certainly a pleasure to deal with, and provides awesome service too.

Not affiliated, YMMV etc--

Happy listening,

I agree with Richard & Doug. After countless threads here & on VA, RRL seems to be preferred by a significant margin. I like it. The only time I use anything else is when I have to sink clean an LP before it goes on the 16.5. I also like dealing with Galen; great prices & service.

As much as I like to tweak, I like to listen to music more. Screwing around trying to make a better mousetrap is fun for some things, but it does get ridiculous.

PS. Vodka will not work, send it to me!