What tubes and power cord on the Audiologic 24MXL?

I am considering going with this dac. Although I can't do this durig the audition, just curious what tubes and power cords people are using.

I know that both are very system dependant, but the info will still be useful as a starting point if I go the Audiologic route.

Thanks in advance.

I have the 34 DAC so it is a little different using four tubes. I am using Amperex 7316 PQs and Amperex 6922 PQ Goldpins. I have used Bugle Boys, D-Getters and Orange Labels but the 6922s really added more bass, cleaner/clearer detailed sound, different mid-range not as dark sounding and more dynamic then the D-getters and Orange labels. Each tube changed the sound slightly but the 6922s were more of a change.

Hope this is helpful.
As mentioned in another thread, I like Telefunken and Siemens Ccas in my unit--the stock Sovteks kept going bad too fast. They seem to give a balanced sound to the unit overall, and I've always liked the Telefunken sound anyway. For power cords, I have used the K-Works Empowered and Dynamo cords and the TG SLVRs, all work very well with it. The Dynamos were noticably better in the reproduction of transients, which surprised me a bit, as the TGs and standard Empowered Cords were hardly slouches in the area.
Thanks for the responses.

How long did the dac take to break in?

I am finding it is much cleaner than my Electrocompaniet ECD-1 in the midrange and highs, but that it is light in the bass dept.

This unit has about 60 hours on it.

It does take a while, if the new unit still uses the MIT Multicaps that the 34 and 2400s did--they take forever, seemingly, to break in. Can't tell you with my unit, which was a demo, though it still needed a few weeks after I got it even after having been on at the dealer's for a good time. It is not the absolute world champion in terms of apparent bass, probably, but I get more than enough from mine, extending to 20 Hz and below and not at all boomy or bloated. If it doesn't improve over the next few weeks you might call Jerry about it, but it sounds like you just might need a bit more break-in.
Well, I bought the dac. :-)

Now to get some tubes...

Thanks for your help.
