1) E - sell system and start over. it's the process that's fun, not the outcome.
my advice on what to replace it with: only minimalist tube circuits + sensitive speakers will satisfy your zen quest and still allow forays into audio (however, true zen - or just meditation- would probably dictate not engaging in these silly pursuits like artificial sound reproduction in the home)
solid state amps are to be avoided at all costs. go to rock concerts if you want to hear them.
$2,000: give to Afghanis fleeing American bombs.
2) probably A; I'd never heard E before, but it's an interesting theory
Thanks for the quiz!
my advice on what to replace it with: only minimalist tube circuits + sensitive speakers will satisfy your zen quest and still allow forays into audio (however, true zen - or just meditation- would probably dictate not engaging in these silly pursuits like artificial sound reproduction in the home)
solid state amps are to be avoided at all costs. go to rock concerts if you want to hear them.
$2,000: give to Afghanis fleeing American bombs.
2) probably A; I'd never heard E before, but it's an interesting theory
Thanks for the quiz!