nice system
your upgrade path is clear to me
(I just recently took the dac plunge and am working on the pre next)
upgrade the Cal sigma to an EVS Millenium II
$1050 - much warmer, smoother, and better imaging and seperation of instruments. I recently did this upgrade (I own Cal too) and wow. sit back and enjoy for a few months (you will be pulling out old discs you were previously bored with, I am)
next upgrade the preamp
many good possibilities there
tube pre will go well with your aragon
Audio Research or Sonic Frontiers are nice
do some tube rolling, enjoy
may be able to forgo the pre switch early
by investing an additional $100 on the Dac and getting
EVS' audioattenuators (vol controlled second outputs) and going directly to the amp (try it and see if it works for you.
evs dac + attenuators $1150 done assuming you only use cd as front end
preamp? spend $1500-2000 a year from now used on audiogon
nice system
your upgrade path is clear to me
(I just recently took the dac plunge and am working on the pre next)
upgrade the Cal sigma to an EVS Millenium II
$1050 - much warmer, smoother, and better imaging and seperation of instruments. I recently did this upgrade (I own Cal too) and wow. sit back and enjoy for a few months (you will be pulling out old discs you were previously bored with, I am)
next upgrade the preamp
many good possibilities there
tube pre will go well with your aragon
Audio Research or Sonic Frontiers are nice
do some tube rolling, enjoy
may be able to forgo the pre switch early
by investing an additional $100 on the Dac and getting
EVS' audioattenuators (vol controlled second outputs) and going directly to the amp (try it and see if it works for you.
evs dac + attenuators $1150 done assuming you only use cd as front end
preamp? spend $1500-2000 a year from now used on audiogon