Has anyone had experience with the Schroeder Arm

In a high res setup has anyone been able to compare this arm to the top pivoting competition.I think that the fact that the pivot is magnetic as opposedto a bearing like a unipivot(needing damping) should on paper be less resonant and maybe sound better.I currently own,and,am happy with a Graham 2.2,but the idea of a true frictionless bearing (all bearings have some degree of friction)really could make a real difference in a good setup.I'm not interested at the moment in straight line trackers with air bearings (although I love some of them)due to the hassle of external pumps and tubing runs.
Doug and I have already answered your original question about the sound of the Schroeder(or lack thereof) in our posts. It is really significantly better than "the top pivoting competition" IMO. Take it for what its worth.

As to other tonearm cabling, this is never the issue with the Schroeder as there are no joints up to the phono stage, which has the least deleterious effect compared to having different cabling and carrying such low level signals.

Setup of the Schroeder is not difficult, but more importantly, it is repeatable and allows for very fine tuning. And as you correctly put it, when you finally have a good set up right, the tiniest details stand out, for the Schroeder probably not in BOLD relief, but in their natural palette.

Good luck in your search for musical truth.
Dear Sirspeedy: It is true that the material combination in a cable makes a difference, but is only one of the reasons for that differences: design, construction, geometry, are very important too.
There are many choices here, I suggest that you test the Silver Oval from Analysis Plus: exellent performer in differentes stages and " inexpensive ".
Regards and enjoy the music.

It might be viable to shortlist a few cables based on others' feedback and demo them on your 2.2 to find the one you prefer. The Graham's armtube wire will certainly have some effect, but you should still be able to hear the differences in an A/B. At least you'd be hearing each cable between your own cartridge and phono stage. How each wire behaves between cartridges and phono stages that differ from yours is likely to be quite variable.

Obviously Cmk and I agree with your supposition about the Schroeder Reference's non-resonant design, construction and materials. The aspect of the Ref that most sets it apart from other arms is that bearing. Presumably this is largely responsible for it's (lack of) sonic character.

Enjoy the music while you enjoy the hunt!
Mr. Schröder did you try to use the suspension tring from the Reference model on models 1 and 2 tonearms? And what were the results. I totally understand if you decline to response. Thanks
Dear Frank: For anyone always is a privilege to be in touch with an audio designer like you and Chris.
" the principal speaks to his pupils ": the music sound reproduction in home audio systems is a very complex and seriously issue: first you have to know about live music, let me explain: you have to know which is the sound of a
volin and their differences with a viola ( for example ), which kind of signature has a Stradivarius and which one is for a Guarneri or an Amati ( for example ), you have to identifed the sound of a Steinway piano from a Yamaha one ( for example ), to know the sound of the metals and wooden winds instruments in an orchestra. How it sound in differents stages, how you percieve those sounds at different distances and in different stages. You have to know and identified the Tenor sound from: Coltrane, Rollins or Hawkins ( example ). Flannagan from Evans. Blaton from Brown. The Cure from U2. Bach from Mozart. Marhia Carey from Shanhia . etc..........
Second: understand why the live music transmit to you so many emotions: sadness, joy, tears, laughs, stress,etc....

Third: you have to have a full range audio system at home ( 16hz to 50khz ).
Fourth: Understand all the advantages and disadvantages of your own audio system: their strong points and their tweak points.
Fifth: have the maturity for listen to the music not our system.
Sixth: to have a frame of reference and understand it.
Seventh: Understand that the music and the joyness of hear the music is an individual experience.
Eight: Tests on our audio system of many different devices: amps, pre-amps, tonearms, cartridges, speakers, cables,.....
Ninth: Understand that there is no: best amp or best tonearm or best cartridge,... Each item is only a part of the audio chain and what do that an audio system really shine it is the sinergy of all these parts. Like Thomas told us: it is not only the tonearm.

All these subjects and many more takes a very long ( many years ) process of learning: every day process.
I'm in this long process, no I'm not " the principal...", I'm only a man that loves music and that at any time likes to share my experiences, I don't atack to anyone I only disaggree with the others peoples in this thread but I agree, too, with Thomas and Cmk, why I agree with Thomas and Cmk: only because they are an experience people. How can Doug with 13 months of experience ( Cmk write that the sound of the Shroeder tonearm was a relaxed one and Doug latter on write that the Shroeder tonearm was a relaxed one: what did told this to any one ), with a truly limited audio system ( he thinks it is in the high end club. He is not, today is very far from there. Some day he will be there. Doug don't think for a moment that beacuse you are in touch with Chris an other experience people you already done: no you have a very long road in front of you ) and with a closed mind understand what the experience people are talking about? ( he thinks he understand, but it can't, yet ).
Of course Frank, your tonearm is one of the best ever made tonearms in the audio world, but it is not in another league ( that's for sure ), no I never had in my audio system. Yes I would like to have it: my experience told me that there will be no surprises: right now I own 15 of the best tonearms ever made ( like yours ) and I test around other 12 top tonearms in the past: I own 7 differents turntables and test six more in the past: I own 25 differents cartridges and test many of them in the past.This is a long process and a very hard one. Today I enjoy the music and knows what happen with it.
BTW, Sirspeedy the frictionless bearing of Frank tonearm is not the reason why has its signature sound: every tonearm including the Shroeder has its own signature, Frank explain this in one of his anwers.
In a top tonearm usually the pivot bearing friction is less that 50 microgrs, there are tonearms like the Technics EPA 100MK2 in where this value is less that 7 microgrs or like the Mission The Mechanic that is less than 10 microgrs, this small values are invisible in the complex process of the traking a record, and Frank knows that.
Frank and Chris: congratulations for your great contribution to the music reproduction. ¡ Go a head !, all of us music lovers need more people like you.
Regards and enjoy the music.