Speaker wire, help my laid back sound??

Currently running the following:
Sony XA777ES SACD through
Harmonic Tech Truth link to:
Sim Audio P3
Harmonic Tech Pro Silaway II/balanced to:
Sim Audio W5
via Goertz MI2 Veracity Bi-Wired, 27 feet to
Paradigm Reference 100's (these speakers will be changed in a year or two)
I just bought a 30 run run of HT Pro Silaway/balanced and will now need speaker wire, my system is way to laid back, any suggestions, I was thinking AZ Satori shotgun or HT Pro Plus 9 bi-wire, but looking for some advice?? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...thanks
All you suggestions are excellent and much appreciated, I'm going to see what I can do about the room acoustics, and from there if necessary demo some silver cables, Greh, I'm not familiar with Ridge Street M S's, do they have a web site, I don't think they have a dealer where I'm from??
Once you choose your speaker wire go back and look at that long interconnect. My experience has shown that the longer the IC the more laid back the sound gets. One remedy to limit this effect is to make sure the cable is off the floor by using some kind of cable lifter. I use ceramic tile quarter rounds cut to size and put under the cable, spaced such that the cable is kept off the floor.
I wish I had seen this sooner. I believe your problem is the XA777ES. I had this unit on loan and, in redbook mode, it was extremely lifeless with restricted dynamics. SACD mode was better, but still dark sounding. The long ICs will exacerbate the problem.
If one is skeptical about the effect of speaker wire...I always recommend NORDOST...not for everyone...but definitely has the qualities you are looking for...and yes...the cheaper NORDOST is very good..look for FLATLINE...