If it were you, which non-Sony SACD?

I have a modified Sony. It's OK, but not great. I have been considering the following choices, but am not wedded to them:
Music Hall Maverick
Shanling T200
Used SCD1 (OK, so there is a Sony in the list)

As much as I like like and use vinyl, I do want to broaden my digital experiences. I also want SACD capability along with competent Redbook quality. The used SCD1 is probably at the top of my expense tolerance.
I have really been impressed since I added the new Superclock II to my Marantz SA-1. Used to own the Sony SCD-1, and this is really a big step up!
If you are considering the SCD-1, why wouldnt you consider the SCD-777ES, two channel only player? Its about half the cost of the SCD-1, but supposedly is just about equal in performance, then you can pour the rest of the money into mods.
I agree with 84audio:

Buy a used Marantz SA-14 (or new if you can find one). It was a steal, even at the new price. The main tweek is placing it on a Neuance platform.


Slip what sony do you have? Did you have the tube output
stage,dac upgrade and parts, with volume control,I have
the Sony 9000es, this cd player is so musical, hard
to beat especially in SACD mode, redbook is good too.