Purist Audio new cables

Has anyone heard their new cables?Only Dominus keeps fluid shielding.Maximus, Colossus and Proteus have been discontinued,I guess.There are two new cables with what they call Ferox shieldng.I use Maximus and Colossus,and like them a lot,so I am a little concerned.
Inna, you are correct about the elementa. However, my outlook is changing on the new Musaeus. The loaner pair of Musaeus was only broken-in on a "Cable Cooker" I have left the Musaeus in my system for a few days now and it is settling-in very nicely. It is much fuller bottem end and very detailed and open. I also borrowed a run of colossus to compare to the musaeus and I must say, I am very impressed. Jim Aud is correct that the new sheilding is a much lower noise floor and allows you to hear more of the fine details of the recording. I think that was what I was hearing in the upper frequency, and now it is starting to smooth out a little. It is just as open as Colossus and soundstage is as wide and deep if not deeper. I will let you know what I decide.
I do not know how those new PAD’s cables but the “old” PAD cables (Colossus, Proteuss, Dominus) could not be broken-in by ANY broken-in devises. If you even connect the entire output of the Hoover Dam to a PAD cable and run it for days it will not be broken-in. The PAD cable could be broken-in only by the actual signal…
I have used the Purist burn-in disc with great success on several PAD cables. To my ear it really sped up the process.

Inna does TWLs liking his own system damage his credibility or enhance it? I know for a fact that he does not own any Purist cable (unless he just bought it) so how is his opinion tainted. Attacking the messenger does nothing to call into question the value of his message. I have gone to TWL with questions several times and found his advice/knowledge/experience to be invaluable. Our systems have nothing in common and our likes are practically polar opposites, except for the enjoyment of the music, but his willingness to help is refreshing.

jmphotography-I just ordered some Museaus ICs and speaker cable so I hope your assessment is correct. I'm buying it based on the advice of a friend and some of the comments made on AudiogoN. I already own Colossus and Proteus ICs so I'm curious to see how the new cable compares.
Nrchy, I noticed that you also have Cardas Golden Cross in your system. How does it compare to the Purist Proteus and Colossus?
The Cardas is actually sitting on my record rack. I used it on my Nakamichi cassette deck until I sold the tape player. The Purist cables you mentioned are all better than the Cardas. Cardas Golden C is a very good cable, it's just that the Purist are better. They are like moving up to a completely different level. I recently sold a pair of Neutral Reference because as good as they sounded the Purist were better and the Neutral Reference sounded better than the Golden C.