Review: Virtual Dynamics Nite Power Cord

What's your opinion of aftermarket audiophile power cords?
A tweak?
An add-on?
Or is it as I've read on some threads here, fairy dust?
Snake oil?
It's been years since an audio product as really and truly blown me away.
And I'm not talking were the vocals are improved and transparency increases(gets better) but everything else pretty much stays the same.
I'm talking about a significant improvement over every aspect of the musical presentation: bass, transparency,high end extension and bloom,dynamics,vocal presence-and probably most important-an overall increase in the enjoyment of the listening experience-which is what this crazy hobby is all about, right?
The component that is bringing me all this audio joy is the Virtual Dynamics Nite power cord.
Honestly, it sound like-here comes that audiophile cliche-I've upgraded my entire system.
It really souds that good!
Never in my wildest dreams did I think that...
A. A power cord could improve the sound as dramatically as the Nite.
B. That I would be spending crazy money on-a power cord!!

But the Nite is a true value!
The price to performance ratio is nothing like I've heard in audio.
I could go on how Neil Young was playing in my living room or how Miles Davis never sounded so natural and real but you've read thousands of descriptions like this before so I won't bore you-even though it's 100% true and then some.
And by the way, did I mention that I'm accomplishing all of these sonic achievements with just 1 Nite cord on my cd player along with the Virtual Dynamics receptacle.
My preamp and amp are getting their power via Virtual Dynamics Audition power cords.
Rest assured my next audio purchase will be upgrading both Auditions to Nites.
If the 1 Nite I'm using is any indication, the results should be mind boggling.
Keep posting your impressions. These cables have got some very good reviews elsewhere and I want to hear more.
I currently have three VD Nites in my system that I am demoing. I will post a review after more auditioning.

All I can say is, you need to hear these VD Nite on your source, preamp, and amp.

Also, what equipment are you using in your system? It would be good if you listed your equipment.

What cords are you compring these cords to. I found many atermarket cords that can do the same in my system, but I am searching for the best one at the best price.