Help me discover some new music...

Hi, Gang,

My rig is finally at a level that I don't feel a great need to invest in new gear. Rather, I'm looking for new music to discover. I feel like I'm listening to a lot of the "same old stuff."

I listen to mostly rock and pop, with a little orchestral/soundtrack music thrown in and a bit of jazz, too.

Here's what I know and love:

Steely Dan (including Becker and Fagen solo efforts)
James Taylor
Dire Straits
Bonnie Raitt
Paul Simon
Some classical Chesky LP's
Joe Jackson
Ingrid Michaelson
Blood, Sweat and Tears
Earth Wind and Fire

,,, and a lot of other things I'm not thinking of right now.

Anybody want to be my "Pandora" and suggest things I should check out? Great music is primary, but great sonics also appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
If a dash of harmony and a pinch of twang aren't objectionable ingredients in your musical gumbo, check out Blue Rodeo:
Five Days in July
Days in Between

And for some terrific electric guitar mastery, try Jim Weider:

And for some ultra-urban rock/funk/jazz, try Con Brio:
From the Hip
Also, do not be afraid to try any music from the pre-Beatles era. You will be amazed at how good many older recordings sound on a really good system, especially those given a good digital mastering treatment. Mono recordings in particular can be a revelation. Many recordings that I always thought sounded bland, flat or uninteresting in the past blow me away now these days.

Ever hear a Sun Records digital remaster of "Blue Suede Shoes" by Carl Perkins on a modern good system? If not, give it a try. You can't go wrong. Or similar with old Muddy Waters material on Chess Records.
Joe Bonamassa - Live from nowhere in particular
Black Dub

Both new on my frequent play list