Audioquest Cheetah- Anyone?

Just curious as to any feedback from you guys regarding the Audioquest Cheetah cables.

..They employ Audioquest's "DBS" system for charging the dielectric, and they earned a good mention in a recent audio rag (if that means anything).

Any feedback?

"It seems entirely logical that the cable could be neutral, and your system could not be... Engaging the DBS could be revealing more system flaws then cable flaws, couldn't it?
I have yet to try them, but I am very excited to do so."

Good point but when I auditioned them, I tried them on several setups (Friends Reference Systems. Tube and SS)and the results were similiar. As I mentioned, I used to swear by there stuff. IMHO though, the new stuff is grossly over priced for a performance vs cost value.

I do not mind spending big dollars on cables, equipment, or cars either. I was just not impressed and I really wanted to be, trust me. Very Disapointing...

Now up to 48v on the DBS speaker cables and 24v on the cables. I heard the interconnect and nothing has changed.
Caveat empteur.
First I will admit that they are way out of my buget but as for an opinion. Just what I wouldn't want, another battery to worry about. I have enough trouble keeping up with the bateries in my remotes much less worrying about them in my interconnects. I'll stick with Cardas for now.
This thread makes me wonder why frequency sweep measurements aren't standard practice in cable reviews. Unless I'm just reading the wrong publications..

I fail to see how a company with a solid reputation and wide customer base could benefit from producing severely rolled off cables such as this thread suggests. Then again I haven't heard the DBS IC's but I still find it hard to believe.