Audioquest Cheetah- Anyone?

Just curious as to any feedback from you guys regarding the Audioquest Cheetah cables.

..They employ Audioquest's "DBS" system for charging the dielectric, and they earned a good mention in a recent audio rag (if that means anything).

Any feedback?

This thread makes me wonder why frequency sweep measurements aren't standard practice in cable reviews. Unless I'm just reading the wrong publications..

I fail to see how a company with a solid reputation and wide customer base could benefit from producing severely rolled off cables such as this thread suggests. Then again I haven't heard the DBS IC's but I still find it hard to believe.
I have the Cheetah interconnects (they replaced AQ Anacondas) and I hear a much more open and inviting presentation of music with these in my system... I can't wait to upgrade my speaker cables next!

Perhaps they just arn't synergistic with some of the gear others have been using with them- I have had great results.

I have been using three Cheetahs on my front three channels from my amp. to my A/V control center ( Proceed amp. , macintosh 134 A/V control center) . I was using A.Q. vipers and the cheetahs are much more responcive , hard to put into words , faster ,alot warmer in voice and base, mids a little bit crisper.I am using B&W 802's with A.Q. granite biwired . Saving up to buy 3 more Cheetahs from A/V to DVD player. thanks Bill Head
I purchased a pair of Cheetah RCA, after taking my old pair of Silver Interconnects to the dealer for a sound comparison.

Obviously the Cheetah's were superior, so I purchased a pair.

Note, with the Battery plugged in the sound is a little warmer with a slightly more air. Without the battery, the sound is a little more detailed, but with slightly less air. It's difficult to pick the difference unless one has a very revealing system.

Hope that helps