Is my dealer lying to me?

This past weekend I went to listen to some speakers. I've been planning to buy CD player also, but that was not this weekend's purpose.

At first we were using a YMB player, McCormick amp, and Soliloquy 5.3 speakers. The speakers is what I was auditioning.

The CD player he is trying to sell me is the Cambridge Audio D500ES, I beleive. Price:400

Big difference I know between the YMB ($2500)and the Cambridge ($400). But it wasn't $2100 in difference in sound I can tell you that. What concerns me is the difference between his comments and the perceived opinions of people on this board. In other threads, there are quite a bit of "ditch the Cambridge" comments.

The dealers comments were "best player under $2000"... "chris sold his $2500 Theta and picked this one up because it's that good, and pocketed the money"... etc.

I'm not asking if this is the best player under $2000. But how does it compare to Arcam and Rega models at $500-700?

Obvisouly, he recommends the Soliloquy 5.3 also. I liked them but wasn't as impressed as much as I thought I would be. The guy has a small shop and seems honest, but it seems this cambridge is not very well respected in this forum.

I've gotten rid of alot of my gear. What I have left to use is a Yamaha RXV-995 receiver. An amp will come, hopefully sooner than later, but I need speakers and a CD player now unless I want to continue to use my DVD player for CDs.

Any comments?
Whoa ... everyone calm down ! Sdcampbell is correct ... and Natalie may also be correct. In a system costing $5kUSD or less I think it would be hard to justify a $2k CD player as the remainder of the system probably could not resolve the differences. That is my situation (Densen amp, Spica Angelus speakers).

In a $20KUSD+ system I have no experience ... I suppose that it's possible that a $2k CD player might sound justifiably better than a $500 player ... I don't have any experience at this level.

That said I think it's important to note that Gunbunny doesn't appear to be assembling a megabuck system, and so, in that context a $500 Cambridge CD player (or any good $500 player) is probably a very sensible suggestion.

At this level it has been my experience that all components should be of approximately equal cost, and that money can most easily be saved on a judiciously chosen CD/DVD player, rather than a cheaper amp, or speakers.

Gunbunny ... please correct me if I have underestimated your budget/enthusiasm :-)
The following is my experience, and where I think more money makes the most difference

Most important -- good amp/preamp
Next -- good speakers
Next -- wire
Next -- cd player

If items 1, 2 & 3 are top-notch, you will notice the difference in item 4.

For me, high quality sound can be found if you spend 2K on electronics, 1500-2500 on speakers (less if used, and it's hard to get high quality for under a grand), 500+ on wire (but at least 250) and 500 on a cd player.

So the cd player is probably the best bang for the buck. I.e., you get a lot without spending a lot, while that is not the case with other components.
There are a few arguments going here but what you have to remember at all times is that it is your ears and your money. Who cares what we think. Who cares what the dealer thinks. Who cares what the specs say or a reveiw magazine says. Opinions really vary but it is only yours that is important.

You heard a comparison in a decent system. So you tell us what you think and go with what YOU think is best. You said it yourself that you thought there wasnt much of a difference.

If you still doubt yourself go used. Then down the road if you want to try something else you wont lose much or even any money.

You will learn a lot and your taste will even change a bit the more you get into this hobby. Your ears will improve as you learn what to listen for. You may be able to tell the difference more a year or two down the road but for now though just get what your ears tell you to get and enjoy!