Warm and Wet cables?

Nothing Dirty....sorry.

I've got a system that is analytical with neutral to slightly hot treble but with deep tight bass.

On great smooth recordings (Chesky) I'm in heaven, on rolled off recordings I'm happy, on bright recordings... ouch .. A little to much.

I want to try and go for a more forgiving sound with a cable change. I think what I'm looking for is a warmer but also wetter sound without losing the tight bass.

I need 1m RCA, one 3m XLR, and an 8ft Biwire speaker cable.

I've seen mention of Harmonic Tech Truthlinks and NBS monitor series.

Any thing else?

Forgot to mention that my PMC ab2 speakers are 6ohm. Read a couple posts where people describe alpha core speaker cable as better with 2-4 ohm speakers.

Anyone have experience with this?

Sounds like a job for Cardas Golden Cross, which is warmer than Golden Reference. Known to tame digital edge......worked for me!
Hi Nik, you may be a cable, an isolation rack, or an amp away from getting what you are looking for. Your amp and preamp are well regarded. Maybe a change in amps is all that is needed. Some of your favorite performers may not have the best recordings. To quit playing recordings that bother you, which may be many of you favorites, you then are letting your system dictate to you what you can or cannot listen to. You will also lose out on some of the greatest music recorded just because it wasn't recorded well. Why bother spending this kind of money on a system when you are at the mercy of a few well recorded CDs.
I believe you can have a high resolution system that can offer good sound from some of the poorer recorded music. To quit listeniong to music that bothers you says something isn't quite right in your system yet. If at all possible, try to listen to a Cary V12, a CJ tube amp, or one of the Quicksilver amps. You might be amazed at how many recordings you thought bothered you, now put you in that music heaven you mentioned. I mention these amps because they have that sound I think you are describing. I have know idea how many recordings I have, but I can enjoy 90% of them.
I wish you the best. But never let a system tell you who is in charge.
Purist Audio Design actually makes cables that have a layer of water pumped into the outer jacket. That covers the "wet" portion of your quest.

Put the cables in the microwave on high for 5 - 10 seconds, and then plug 'em in. That's the "warm" requirement.

So there you have it, warm and wet...