Audioquest - What did their "x3" designation mean?

Does anybody know? What did Audioquest change/add inside their previous line of cables when they added the "x3" designation. For example I think they went from "Ruby" to "Ruby x3" and "Emerald" to "Emerald x3," etc.
As far as I know the x3 means that the cable has 3 identical conductors, which makes it perfectly suitable for balanced use (with XLR-plugs).
been waiting for posts as i'm uncertain myself.
ruby had a X2 also. my assumption was an X3 was the latter version of the cables lifespan, or current production run. uncertain if any internal changes took place. kurt
I had the Lapis x3 for years.Just thought it was the 3rd generation. The Lapis x 3 I think was the first Lapis to use Silver wire.Good question though!