Purist Audio Venustas Speaker Cable - Any Good ?

Has anyone listened to the new line Venustas line of cables form Purist ? I am especially interested in the speaker cables. Your thoughts and opinions.....
Nope, you presumption that I was looking for “an assurance” was not correct. My intentions were to expose the wrong evaluation methods you used and to indicate the irrelevancy of your conclusions. Unfortunately you approached the task of the cable evaluations with a limited mental aptitude of our famous audio reviewers and it is no surprise that you ended up with a total nonfigurative result. Please be advised that for the agenda that I peruse it is irrelevant which cable is better. Also… the fact the you did not answer a single question I asked is very indicative…

Romy The Cat
Verybigamp ("Romy The Cat") - Personally I really don't care what you think. I'm just expressing an opinion which I'm entitled to do here; afterall this is what this forum is all about. Sorry if I pissed you off.
If Bobgates evaluation method was incorrect, what is the correct method to evaluate cables?

Please explain.
verybigamp wrote:[bass authority under 200 Hz, a digital front-end that introduces a bad masking affect to the entire system, the listening room with the reverberation time at 50Hz around 0.5 sec…] WOW.....were you ever in bobgates listening room??? How did you know all that about his room from a post. I guess I have been evaluating cables wrong all along!! I always just a/b them in MY SYSTEM, MY ROOM, with MY EARS. OH...and I listen to my kind of music....Isn't that what it is all about????
As Rmaurin stated....Please explain if I am doing it wrong.
I haven´t heard the Venustas loudspeaker cables, but I have heard the RCA interconnects and the power cables.
I love the RCA interconnects! They tend to be a bit warm, yet also incredibly involving, better than some second hand MIT interconnects I have also tried. I am really happy with them.
The Venustas power cable: I can´t say much right now as it is still not run-in. I am not yet impressed by it. But it is surprisingly flexible and not as thick as my arms. I appreciate that.