Fav Consecutive Albums by An Artist

There are periods where an artist or a group reach a creative peak and release a series of consecutive albums that are all masterpieces. These are an artists' Golden Age. Just curious, but what do you consider the golden age records of your favorite artists. Must be consecutive and "Greatest Hits" not allowed.

My fav is Stevie Wonder from:

Music of the Mind
Talking Book
Forfillingness First Finale
Songs In the Key of Life

Five incredible albums in four years.
For jazz fans, I think Paul Taylor's 4 releases are phenomenal. His sax has as unique a sound as any I have heard. No better way to wind down after a particularly rough day.
A favorite of mine, Singer and song writer Melissa Etheridge-- her first five albums:
1. Melissa Etheridge, 1988
2. Brave and Crazy, 1989
3. Never Enough, 1992
4. Yes I Am, 1993
5. Your Little Secret, 1995

I think I could also come up with a good list for the Cowboy Junkies, but these of Melissa Etheridge just sort of jumped out at me when I saw the question. Happy Holidays. Craig