The following statements are received wisdon and not open to dispute:
Steely Dan - all hi quality, but Countdown, Royal Scam & Gaucho a step above the rest. They're also non-consecutive so they don't rate an entry in this post. BTW, the best overall SD album is Fagen's "Nightfly" followed by Becker's "11 Tracks of Whack". It's a fact!
Led Zep - highly rated, but IV (symbols) and Houses of the Holy clearly superior to the rest. A tremendous 1-2 punch!
Clash - made only 1 masterpiece, London Calling. It's a fact!
Rolling Stones - Audionut, Ya-Ya is relatively weak, but the other four a so strong that they earn an "Advance to Park Place".
Neil Young - everybody knows that #s 8, 28, 37-39 and 43 are weak. Even Neil says so. It's a fact!
Mr. Dylan - Rar1, I agree with your first list. Maybe the strongest consecutive albums, ever. It's a fact!
Joni Mitchell - Viridian, my consecutive Joni list is #1 - Hejira & Don Juan and #2 Wild Things, Dog Eat Dog, Chalk Marks & Night Ride Home. To each his own.
Several people have posted that all the albums by an artists are masterpieces. WRONG!!! The only group that comes close is the original Little Feat, Time Loves A Hero is the weak link. It's a fact!