Quit vinyl?

I'm in the process of upgrading my system, and looking for a new amp. All modern amps have only line inputs, so I either have to keep my Rotel RQ 970 pre-pre, or find a suitable amp. Now I asked myself how often I use my turntable, and that is not much, actually: almost never. So should I quit vinyl, sell mu turntable and pre-pre, which also will provide some extra cash, or do you guys reckon I will kick myself in the head in a couple of years? Any experiences? BTW, it's not a question of sound quality, just convenience and space, and I own about 400 records....

Thanx, Satch.

If you liked Jimi's version of "Angel" you have to get the Stanley Jordan album where he covers it. I never thought anyone could cover a Jimi tune better than Jimi did it originally, but this you gotta hear.
stanley jordans version better than jimis!!!! i dont think so,,just my humble opinion ,,i have both albums,jimi blows stanley away,,i guess you can tell im a big hendrix fan